
We deliver innovative and easy to use noise operations monitoring solutions to airports world-wide

Smart data analytic tools which transform air traffic movement data into value through easy-to-manage cloud-based solutions

Casper provides customers in the aviation industry with enhanced insight into their operations and streamlines communication processes. Our solutions deliver high quality visualizations that are flexible and adaptable to our clients' evolving needs.

The company's innovative solutions focus on flight track, noise, operations monitoring, situational awareness, and community engagement.

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What Makes Casper Different?

• Customer Centered: We recognize the unique challenges faced by each customer
• Innovative: Our products continually evolve to keep customers on the leading edge
• Flexible: Our solutions are customized to meet each client's unique situation
• Partnership: We collaborate with our customers to build long term relationships
• Experience: Our team has over a decade of real-world industry experience
• Global Support: We serve and support customers worldwide

Our customers

Casper supports aviation clients around the world, from the busiest international aviation hubs to small GA airports and everywhere in between.

Our customers

Airports Council International World Business Partner

Casper is proud World Business Partner of ACI Europe, North-America and Asia-Pacific.

American Association of Airports Executives

To strenghten our position in U.S. market we joined the AAAE to be continuously updated and informed about the developments in the American Aviation industry.

Australian Airports Association

To have a strong industry voice and to be well informed in every aspect of the Australian Aviation industry we can call ourselves Corporate member of the Australian Airports Association.

Florida Airports Council

As a member of the Florida Airports Council we are a trusted partner to the extensive number of commercial and general aviation airports in the state of Florida


If you have any questions about our solutions or products feel free to contact us