Casper Flight Tracking

Enhance trust through transparent information sharing with the most flexible and understandable flight tracking website

Build community engagement by sharing information with community members

Transparency and information are key to building a relationship with your community members. Our public flight tracker is easy to use and provides powerful tools to help residents both understand why aircraft fly where they do, how much noise they make and to self-investigate aircraft movements compared to their home. Sharing noise and flight track data will help answer questions and to improve engagement between the airport and the community and increase trust.

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Key features

Casper Flight Tracking key functionality

Both real-time and historic replay of flight tracks and noise data
Display track bundles based on user defined time of day
Flight tracks and statistics for a home location
Insights in data through pictures and charts
Available in multiple languages
Integrated complaint submission form or portal

Worldwide customers

Casper Flight Tracking is used by airports worldwide to inform their surrounding communities about aircraft movements.

This includes customers of all sizes and designations: from large hub airports to regional airfields, general aviation airports surrounded by noise sensitive areas, and even military bases. Links to our customer websites are shown on the map below

Flight movements and noise information

With our user-friendly interface, it’s easy to explore details such as aircraft type, altitude, and destination, empowering users to quickly identify the source of any disturbances. Our interactive map displays flight paths along with additional visuals like vertical profiles, offering a deeper understanding of each aircraft's trajectory. In addition, actual noise levels are shown, allowing people to see and understand the impact of aircraft noise on their surroundings.

Integrated Complaint Submission

Casper’s Flight Tracker integrated seamlessly with the Casper Noise complaint module. Complaint logging can be done using a web form or our Complaint Portal. This allows users to submit complaints about a specific aircraft or file a general complaint. For airport staff, the complaint is automatically added to Casper Noise and correlated instantly to the real-world event. The Casper Noise Complaint module, makes it very simple to analyze, respond and report on the complaints.

My Home investigation

We recognize the importance of knowing exactly what causes discomfort in your surroundings, which is why we provide detailed insights tailored to specific locations. With our interactive features, you can pinpoint your home on the map and display track flight patterns directly overhead. By visualizing aircraft movements in relation to a specific location, along with statistics for that location on runway use, time of day, and aircraft types, people gain a deeper understanding of the circumstances contributing to their annoyance. By providing the 'My Home' feature, data is converted to visuals which are applicable for a unique situation.

Flight Tracking in action

Customer examples

Complaint Management

Integrated complaint management that supports the entire workflow from gathering complaints, analysis, send back responses based on custom templates.

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Flight Tracking

Flight Tracking

Our public flight tracking website is easy to use and provides powerful tools to help residents understand why airplanes fly where they do and self-investigate aircraft events.

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Flight Tracking

Noise Lab

Real-time interactive information-sharing on aircraft noise, movements, runway usage and historical data.

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Flight Tracking

Complaint Portal

Allows individuals to submit complaints, track the status of their concerns and annoyance and helps streamline the complaint process for the airport.

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Flight Tracking

OPS Room

Real-time operational performance indicators through combining data sources and track analytics

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Flight Tracking

Situational Awareness

Enhanced situational awareness for aircraft and vehicles on the ground and in the air

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Flight Tracking

ATC Recording

Analyze deviations by listening to the communication between pilot and ATC controller

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Flight Tracking


If you have any questions about our solutions or products feel free to contact us