Casper exhibited at the ACI-Asia Pacific Regional Assembly, Kobe - Japan
It was great to participate at the 18th ACI APAC Regional Assembly in Kobe, Japan. After a long break due to Covid there was a very positive atmosphere. This was Casper’s first time to exhibit at an Asia Pacific event and we were delighted by the interest shown in our Casper’s solutions. A big thank you to ACI APAC for the invitation and to Kansai Airport Group for hosting a great event.
We kicked off our week by joining and presenting at the Regional Environment Committee. There were many interesting topics on sustainability and the environment. Chris presented a research paper on “Impact of Covid-19 on Aviation and Managing Community Expectations”. Kathleen followed this with her paper on “Improving confidence in aircraft noise event detection and understanding in the community”. Both papers were warmly received. Other highlights include the CEO meetings for World Business Partners and the Kabuki performance.
Some busy days followed with manning the booth and introducing Casper to the Asia, Pacific and Middle East airports.
In ACI APAC there was a strong focus in women in the aviation industry and was great that Kathleen was able to represent Casper in the Women in Aviation breakout session.
We met many old friends and connected with new ones. Also, there was a lot of optimism for the industry into 2024. We look back at a great & fruitful first APAC event.