
National Air Forces uses Casper solutions for noise and community engagement

Created on Monday, 24 June 2024, 13:17

Casper is delighted to announce our continued relationship with the Australian Department of Defence with the roll out of our noise monitoring capability to RAAF bases Darwin and Tindal.

The Australian Department of Defence selected Casper in 2022 for an Airport Noise Monitoring solution to help mitigate and manage their community engagement programs as the latest generation of F-35 fighter jets started operations. The contract started with an ongoing Monitoring & Reporting Service across 3 RAAF bases; Townsville, Amberley and Williamtown supported by 35 fixed noise monitoring terminals.

With the addition of the two RAAF bases at Darwin and Tindal, Casper now supports 4 national air forces at 11 bases with 111 NMTs. We are delighted with the level of confidence that national defence departments show in Casper to deliver innovative solutions.


If you have any questions about our solutions or products feel free to contact us